Friday, February 8, 2008

Beef jerky rules!

After yesterdays relatively easy day (90 min run am and 2.10 cycling pm), today was designated The Big Square out West (4 hrs/120km). We didn't wanna ride too long as tomorrows Shootout could/will be a pretty taxing 5-6 hrs ride. I've found my new favorite food for riding, beef jerky, a real pleasure. The drugstore in Avra Valley had some chili flavored A4 sheets and it tasted wonderful, gulped down with a banana. I'm not sure if eating this stuff will make me more beefy or jerky... Probably more beefy, as my three weeks old wanna-be-moustache tops out the jerky-meter already. 
As a special tribute to the Danish Cyclo Cross Champion, Christian Poulsen, we'll treat you with some smooth video going over Gates Pass in 22 degrees C. 
Poulsen and all you other slaves of work, mortgage and marriage: enjoy a glimpse of life in the fast/easy lane.


Anonymous said...

Herligt at følge med i Jeres eventyr ovre i det store USA. Gi'r god inspiration til egen vintertræning herhjemme, så bliv endelig ved med at opdatere denne fantastiske blog! ;-)

Anonymous said...

I´m very happy for your tribute..!!

Looks still as a though climb, that Gates Pass. Looking forward to be following your blog the next couple of weeks.

See ya All.
