Monday, February 11, 2008


Monday... A new, untouched week in front of you, just waiting to loose its virginity. Started out with a 10 km morning run at 8 am. Had some breakfast, a quick shower and the mandatory icebath and elevated legs, before we got dressed for some high quality bike riding up Mt. Lemmon. We picked up Skiles and started the ascent at 12.20. We went real easy, but I was feeling like shit; no heart rate, no power, feeling lightheaded and lead legged -a bad combination. We stopped at Windy Point for a little regrouping after Skiles had a flat. I was a little worried about the melting water running across the road, as some guys crashed badly on the descent, when they hit some black ice. But the last few days of 65-70 F have really made a difference, so nice dry roads and tolerable temperatures all the way up. At Summerhaven we sat for 20 minutes, soaking up the sun and Dan had an impressive size "Rocky Road", probably fudge worth of 3000 calories! The downhill went smooth as there were very little traffic. You can pressure pedal the whole way and get the feeling that you're actually working out and not just being transported down by gravity (though it's almost as fast). I went straight home, pretty wasted, with 150 km/5.40 hrs. Dan and peter went to pick up some ground beef at Trader Joe's ( we're serious about the "hunter-gather" life style).  Tomorrow will be easy for me...

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